Vitor Chimpanzee
He arrived at the Sanctuary with a physical handicap, which was never officially explained.
Date of birth: 1997
Origin: Marco Schwartz Commercial Chimpanzee Breeding Center (south of Brazil)/Circus
Sanctuary: Sorocaba, São Paulo/Brazil

He arrived at the Sanctuary with a physical handicap (had no left arm), which was never officially explained. He died in 2012.

Lives in the sanctuary.
She arrived at the Sanctuary in 2006, she is the sister of Carlos, Claudio and Vitor, but she never met them, as she was sold to the circus as a baby. She is a large, dominant female with a strong personality.
Date of birth: 1995
Sanctuary: Sorocaba, São Paulo/Brazil
Lives in the sanctuary.
Claudio was one of the chimpanzees born in an old commercial breeding facility that operated in the southern of Brazil.
Date of birth: 2000
Origin: Marco Schwartz Commercial Chimpanzee Breeding Center (south of Brazil)
Sanctuary: Sorocaba, São Paulo/Brazil
Lives in the sanctuary.
He was one of the chimpanzees rescued as a baby from an old commercial chimpanzee breeding center in southern Brazil.
Date of birth: 02/02/2000
Origin: Marco Schwartz Commercial Chimpanzee Breeding Center (south of Brazil)
Sanctuary: Sorocaba, São Paulo/Brazil