Noel Chimpanzee
Fortunately, he was able to be raised by his mother at the sanctuary. Still very small, even being breastfed by her, he needed food supplements, as Lucy did not produce enough milk. On a daily basis, with confidence in the team, he handed him over to receive special care.
Date of birth: 10/21/2007
Origin: Sanctuary
Sanctuary: São José dos Pinhais, Paraná/Brazil


Male. DOB: 10/21/07, Instituto Anami. He is Lucy and Charlie’s son. Fortunately, he was able to be raised by his mother at the sanctuary. Still very small, even being breastfed by her, he needed food supplements, as Lucy did not produce enough milk. On a daily basis, with confidence in the team, he handed him over to receive special care. After Noel gained weight, Lucy, alone, took care of him like a dutiful mother, caring and teaching him everything necessary to live in a group. She breastfed him until he was 8 years old. Noel grew up, became strong and today he already demonstrates his strength, indicating that one day he may compete for the group’s hierarchy. He is a sociable chimpanzee and interacts a lot, especially with Dino and Yuri, his best friends.