Jeber Chimpanzee
He arrived at the sanctuary in 2008, along with his companion Tyson, when IBAMA (Brazilian Environmental Institute) confiscated all animals from Le Cirque Circus, in Brasília.
Date of birth: 1990
Origin: Le Cirque Circus
Sanctuary: Sorocaba, São Paulo/Brazil

Jeber arrived at the sanctuary in 2008, along with his companion Tyson, when Ibama (Brazilian Environmental Institute) confiscated all animals from Le Cirque Circus, in Brasília.

He lived with Tyson in a precarious, tiny trailer amidst feces and food scraps. At the circus, they were both castrated and had all their teeth removed.

When rescued, Jeber had a heavy chain around his neck, which left scars. Due to these traumas, he is distrustful and treacherous with people. Nevertheless, over the years, Jeber has adapted to the sanctuary and shows himself to be a sociable, playful chimpanzee. He loves to carry and take care of the toys he receives as environmental enrichment.