Jango Chimpanzee
He lived most of his life in a circus, where he was castrated and had all his teeth removed.
Date of birth: 1986
Origin: Circo di França
Sanctuary: Sorocaba, São Paulo/Brazil

He arrived at the Sanctuary in 2003, after spending much of his life traveling with a circus in Minas Gerais, in Brazil. During his time in the circus, he was castrated and had all his teeth removed.

At times, he seemed like a somewhat grumpy old man. However, his personality was actually much more sociable, being very affectionate and playful. He loved to play with water and often washed his hands and feet while playing. Jango spent his first years at the Sanctuary with Gil, who also came from a circus. After she passed away, he lived a few years with Junior and then became the faithful companion of Catarina, another chimpanzee who had spent her entire life in a circus. The two were inseparable and spent hours grooming each other.

He died on 02/05/2023.