Caíque Chimpanzee
He lived confined in a trailer without any care for well-being or hygiene. During this period, several complaints were made to IBAMA (Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources), for abandonment and mistreatment, through an NGO. When he wasn't performing at the circus, he was often forced to take pictures with tourists in Paranaguá, on the coast of Paraná.
Date of birth: 10/16/1993
Origin: Circo Portugal
Sanctuary: São José dos Pinhais, Paraná/Brazil


Male. DOB: 10/16/93. He arrived at the sanctuary in 2005, rescued from Circo Portugal, where he lives confined in a trailer without any care for well-being or hygiene. During this period, several complaints were made to IBAMA (Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources), for abandonment and mistreatment, through an NGO. When he wasn’t performing at the circus, he was often forced to take pictures with tourists in Paranaguá, on the coast of Paraná. In 2005, the supervisory bodies authorized the transfer of Caíque to the Anami Institute. He arrived with a thick chain around his neck. He was a strong young male, but suspicious and afraid. He was integrated into a large enclosure with three females. Gradually, the chain he wore around his neck was being removed through a manual saw and along with it, that dark past was also leaving. It didn’t take long for him to realize that he was being cared for and protected, trusting the Institute’s team more every day, showing himself to be a calm and cooperative chimpanzee. Today, he lives very well in his enclosure of more than 10,000m² together with his chimpanzee friends Leila, Tota and Carol.