Zoo in Maracay,Venezuela
posted in 15 Jan 2014
Chimpanzé Gaspar Venezuela


The photo of Gaspar needs no words to be explained. It means the abandonment and loneliness of a young chimpanzee, in a Latin American zoo. This time the Zoo Las Delicias, in the city of Maracay, Venezuela.

This zoo, which houses over half a hundred species, bordering the Rio Maracay, is abandoned to its fate. The shared direction of the Ministry of Environment and the State of Aragua does not work. The public who visit the zoo protest, as this lady: “Where can I complain about the poor condition? These animals are dying”. In July 2009, the chimpanzee Pancho died; in 2010, Kenya, a female hippo; and in 2012, Lucky , an elephant.

What does keep a zoo as well, which is a pet cemetery?

Dr. Pedro A. Ynterian

President, GAP Project International