What did they do to Jimmy?
posted in 10 Aug 2011


We are alone: Sofia, Samantha, Jimmy and I. Sofia runs from one side to the other, jumps on the fence, teases Jimmy and when he tries to get her, she runs away. Jimmy follows her and we are already for one hour in this play game. Samantha, Sofia’s mother, appears once in a while and checks if everything is all right, and let us alone. Sofia, a two-year-old baby, unbelievably is conducting the integration of Jimmy into the chimpanzee world. An unknown and strange world for him, who feels like a human being and reacts like one.

The approximation game ends when Jimmy sees the female keepers arrived to clean the enclosure and open the internal doors. He is transformed and we do not exist for him anymore. He starts to get excited, with an evident erection, looks for the blankets and desperately for the female presence. He emits sounds of satisfaction and anxiety, something he never does when he is with us. I take Sofia and Samantha out of the hall and let him alone in his madness. His disturbed mind, acquired in that miserable zoo, transformed him in something odd.

The keepers get near him; he throws the blankets on the floor and masturbates until he gets tired. His mind travels far away and he is out of reality. We have chimpanzees who behave like that with women they do not know. It is the case of Alex, who lives with Carolina, his best friend, but with whom he does not feel like to have sexual intercourse; there is only care and affection of partnership. But the situation of Jimmy is worse. We would like to be psychiatrists and wish that Jimmy could talk, so he could tell his story and we could understand better his mind and do something to help him.

Maybe Sofia – a baby – takes him back to reality. Samantha is curious about him, but has also some doubts; she thinks something in him is strange and different from her partners in the sanctuary, who were raised together with her. Jimmy observes her with curiosity. Samantha is entering again in her reproductive phase, as it is clearly shown by the color of her ass. Jimmy is surprised and maybe had never seen a female chimpanzee in heat before. He does not get excited with that, like other males in the sanctuary. He has a human mind and women are his desire objects.

The rescue team that went to Zoonit told us that all the keepers there were men. There were no women in his daily routine. So, how did acquired this fixation for women? Somebody, in a moment of his life, must had inducted him to behave like a
Homo sapiens in a presence of a female sapiens?

Sit on the hall, seeing Sofia very active and playing, we feel some comfort. We know Jimmy is getting to know a new world – his world – from where he must never had been taken out to entertain humans. And all of this support by a naïve “little girl”, very active, who is increasingly delighting him as the days go by.

Dr. Pedro A. Ynterian
President, GAP Project International

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