Wes: everyone will remember his smile
posted in 13 Oct 2010


He was about to turn 50. For 35 years he lived in a cage of a laboratory of Coulston Foundation Torture Center. Several diseases were inoculated in him, a lot of blood collection was made, just like biopsies and other invasive procedure, not to mention his use for reproduction. Wes was caught in Africa two years after he had been born (1963). His family was murdered and he, together with other who had the same damned luck, were shipped in cages to United States, like it used to be done with slaves some decades ago.

Wes got free due to primatologist Dr. Carole Noon, founder of the sanctuary in Fort Pierce, together with other 20 innocent beings who use to owned by North-American Air Force and through Justice. He lived for nine years at the sanctuary and forgot the barbarities committed against him. Always playful, both with chimpanzees and the keepers, he challenged everyone with hide and seeks. He died with a smile on his face before should, due to a weak heart resulted from the criminal experimentation done with him. On September 30 2010, with the same smile, he gave his spirit to the Creator. His inseparable friend, Gromed, his daughter Kippy and his son Spudnut, everyone in the sanctuary cried for this old fighter. Other seven sons, whom he never knew and whose location is unknown, could not hug him before he left to infinite.

Wes is another martyr of the cruel fight these extraordinary beings keep against the infamous culture of exploitation of innocent primates in the most powerful country of the world.

Dr. Pedro A. Ynterian
President, GAP Project International