Victory in São Roque
posted in 06 Nov 2013

If anyone had any doubt that the Royal Institute was a front for a center of torture of animals , which offered services to multinational conglomerates that sell cosmetics and tested the toxicity of its components in beagles dogs existing there , after reading the work published by retired professor from Unicamp , Carlos Alberto Lungarzo (read here in Portuguese), everything is clarified now.

That animal torture center, possibly built with money from public grants, through FINEP (Brazilian National Foundation of Research Support), was a  scientific facade that hid a dirty work of exploration of biomedical tests in animals.

The confirmation, a few hours ago, of the end of the activities oin the Institute made it clear that there had never been researches about cancer or any disease and what was done there was the selling of services of toxicity testing of chemical components of cosmetics and related products.

The victory of the closure of the Centre for Torture São Roque for all who fight against the use of animals in biomedical experiments has a special meaning . Those centers, such as São Roque , who still insist on torturing innocent beings to earn money, have their days counted to end. The society has matured,  know that none of this is necessary and today there are alternative methods to make these laboratory tests , and the use of human volunteers – only in Brazil, over 1 million patients undergo clinical testing trials with experimental drugs, according to Valor newspaper.

The example that Brazilian society is giving to the world, closing compulsorily a torture center and rescuing from the clutches of the torturers dozens of innocent animals, will mark the fight that now extends around the world, until conquer our planet and eradicate torture and torturers of animals, disguised as scientists.

Dr. Pedro A. Ynterian

President , GAP Project International

Read more about the case of São Roque Institute and the rescue of the dogs in