posted in 01 Mar 2009

A bill proposal that had been presented to USA House of Representatives a long time ago and had not been voted – H.R. 80, named Captive Primate Safety Act – was approved with a majority vote of 323 to 95 on February 24th. The bill prohibits the continuation of medical torture with great primates in labs.

The bill proposal will now be presented to the Senators and all the primates\’ protection organizations are urging Senator to follow suit.

At the same time, and also as a reaction to Stamford tragedy – in which chimpanzee Travis attacked a friend of his owner who was trying to make him go back to his bedroom-prison – another bill proposal was presented to House of Representatives aiming to put an end in the import of primates to be sold in United States and also to prohibit the national transportation of these animals. The main objective is to eliminate the use of primates as pets in the country.