Great Ape Protection Act – H.R. 1326, which has already been endorsed by 28 Congress men and is in the final phase for its approval in North American Congress, guarantees:
It is forbidden:
– Invasive research with great primates;
– Federal fund will not be able to be used for these researches, neither inside nor outside USA;
– Transport of great primates for this kind of research;
– Reproduction of great primates sponsored by federal funds to be used in medical researches.
It demands:
– Permanent retirement of all great primates who belong to North American Government;
Support this movement launched by R&R Project and advocated by several organizations, including GAP Project.
Everyone who has access to a North American Congress man should ask for his support to bill proposal H.R. 1326 – GREAT APE PROTECTION ACT.
Those who have contact with NIH (National Institute of Health), ask them to take all the chimpanzees out of the labs and replace them in sanctuaries.