By PASA – Pan African Sanctuaries Alliance
We are deeply worried about a group of people who are easily overlooked – the animal caregivers at primate rescue centers throughout Africa. As COVID-19 sweeps across Africa, these caregivers are our only hope in protecting the apes.
Every day, for 25 years, Jonathan Kang has been caring for baby chimps and baby gorillas orphaned by the bushmeat and pet trade. He has made friends with gorillas, hand-reared rescued orphans, and saved hundreds of vulnerable animals that have entered the doors of Limbe Wildlife Centre. Now, he’s doing everything in his power to protect the apes from COVID-19.
On Sunday, he celebrated 25 years as a caregiver. Without your help, this may be the last year his work is possible.
Over 3000 orphaned, injured, and rescued animals rely on these caregivers to bring them food, treat their wounds, and keep them safe from harm. As a result, many caregivers are staying at the sanctuaries 24 hours a day instead of going home each evening. They are following a strict hygiene protocol to minimize risks. Some staff haven’t seen their families in weeks.
Now, in many parts of Africa, shortages of food and supplies have caused prices to skyrocket. It’s getting harder and harder to find medical supplies and food for the primates.
This is an incredibly difficult time to take care of hundreds of primates in an under-resourced African country.
I’m sure you’re going through hardships. If you’re able to help, your contribution will make a world of difference to the sanctuary caregivers.
They’re facing the biggest threat of their lives, all while they fearlessly protect those who cannot protect themselves. I’m in awe of their dedication to the animals who need them.
Heróis desconhecidos da crise COVID
Por PASA – Aliança Pan-Africana de Santuários