United States: A CA University poisoned seven baby monkeys to death
posted in 18 Jun 2019

From NEAVS – New England Anti-Vivisection Society 

They didn’t have a chance.

Seven baby monkeys, one only a day old, were poisoned and died at the primate lab located at the University of California, Davis.

The babies were only doing what comes naturally, nursing from their mothers. Due to staff negligence the mothers were marked with a poisonous dye that was transferred to their infants. Each of the baby monkeys died or was euthanized due to exposure to the dye on their mothers.

We know this should have never happened. But it did and we need to hold those responsible accountable for their failure. That is why I’m asking you to join me and tell the USDA to fine the lab at UC Davis for the horrible treatment of the monkeys in their care.

Our investigation uncovered the pain and suffering of these monkeys, paid for with your tax-dollars, and The Guardian broke the story.

Will you make sure UC Davis is held responsible for their negligence?

We sent a letter to the USDA asking them to fine UC Davis $70,000, the largest fine allowable by law, for their neglect. Take two minutes and add your voice in support of this fine on behalf of these helpless monkeys.

These baby monkeys, all less than 3 weeks old, never had the chance to feel the warmth of the sun or the shade of a tree. They only knew the cold of their steel cages. To escape the fear and uncertainty of their surroundings they did the only thing they could think of – they clung to their mothers. Instead of nourishment, content and calm from nursing, the monkeys ingested poison and died because no one cared about them. I know you won’t let these monkeys die in vain. Add your voice today and let the USDA know that they should enforce the largest fine possible on UC Davis.

Take action!