U.S. Department of Agriculture allows animal torture
posted in 27 Nov 2014

The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) has the task, among others, to enforce the Animal Welfare Act, which ensures that the animals are well treated, at any branch where they are, are not tortured, have proper veterinary care and sufficient food.

That’s the theory, but in practice USDA does not meet often its function and allows animal abuse before their very eyes.

The Organization NEAVS denounces that Santa Cruz Biotechnology Center, which is a research center with large numbers of animals, does not obey the rules of the Animal Welfare Act. After several visits since 2005 by the USDA, the situation remains still and even worse.

They refer to the case of an area in this center, similar to many others already reported in the country, where there are 800 goats and the access for inspection is not allowed. Information held by NEAVS proves that the animals are malnourished, have no veterinary care and are subjected to procedures involving pain and suffering.

NEAVS calls for this center to be definitely closed, for its lack of compliance with the appropriate management of animals’ standards, and calls for protest against USDA and requires the closing of the center of animal torture. To learn more: https://secure3.convio.net/neavs/site/Advocacy;jsessionid=96114B3A7B5D390E87CF9509B4095C09.app325b?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=241

Dr. Pedro A. Ynterian

President, GAP Project International