Touching Photo Captures the Moment a Traumatized Baby Chimp Felt Safe for the First Time
posted in 09 Sep 2016

By Kate Good (One Green Planet)

There is nothing sweeter than the face of a wild baby monkey. These animals have the biggest, cutest eyes that express an inexplicable wisdom and knowledge that makes us absolutely fall head over heels for them. With their amazing ability to wrap their little tails around our hearts, monkeys have become a favorite for exotic pet owners and lovers across the world. Unfortunately, as is the case with most animals, when they are taken from their wild habitat and placed into a domestic environment, expected to conform to our standards of  being a “good pet,” wild animals suffer immensely. Such was the case for a baby chimpanzee, Jenny, who was recently rescued thanks to the work of Ape Action Africa.

At only 10 months old, Jenny was living as a pet, kept tied up by a rope that was fit tightly around her waist. When a neighbor noticed the baby chimp and observed the care she was being given, they stepped in and convinced the family to surrender the little one into the care of an organization that could properly care for her.

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