Toti and the wind
posted in 19 Mar 2014
Toti (2)

If there is something that really scares chimpanzees is the wind, a component of nature that make them to tremble in fear. When we were in the woods with Guga’s group and the wind began to blow, they came and stood around us or the handlers in order to seek refuge and were quietly waiting for the wind to fade away.

When we received the information from the group of volunteers who are monitoring Toti , in the Province of Rio Negro Zoo, thati days ago he would not come out of his refuge , since the wind was intense and he showed fear, we understand why the last place on Argentina where a chimp could have been sent was that Zoo, where the cold and the wind and convert it into a true center of torture for a chimpanzee who never knew a place with those characteristics.

According to the group that cares and watches Toti, the wind that comes from the Argentine Patagonia get to reach 75 km per hour, something that for a chimpanzee who is alone and without a human whom he knows deeply is a true martyrdom.

Toti should go back to Cordoba and them to a sanctuary in Brazil to be with his equals , where he could enjoy a communal life and be happy. Where he is today – due to the cold , wind and loneliness – his days are counted .

Dr. Pedro  A. Ynterian

President , GAP Project International

Pictures of Toti with volunteers at Zoo Rio Negro

Toti (3) Toti (1)