Thousands of monkeys at the mercy of torturers
posted in 20 May 2014

A coalition of animal rights organizations, as NEAVS , NAPSA , LPAG and ALDF, of United States, issued a statement and a request to the Department of Agriculture of the country in order to establish clear rules of handling in laboratory of thousands of monkeys , who are subjected to all kinds of invasive procedures.

Recently, the University of Louisiana, which has a torture center called New Iberia , was denounced by the death of a rhesus monkey , a fractured arm and another five capuchin monkeys escape.

This torture center, one of the worst in the United States , funded by NIH for years , stopped torturing chimps recently, but still practices the same with smaller monkeys.

Several reported incidents of that institution has motivated their review by the Department of Agriculture and thousands of dollars in fines were given to them by maltreatment recurrence in primates.

The Coalition of Organizations is circulating a petition asking for support to abused monkey , in order to reach the competent authorities. Sign the petition:
Dr. Pedro A. Ynterian
President , GAP Project International