The UK’s Remaining Wild Animals in Circuses Need You!
posted in 17 Apr 2011

In spite of being one of the most developed of the world, United Kingdom is a country that still allows circuses with animals. For several years local and international activists fight and promote campaigns for the approval of a Law to ban definitely the use of animals in these kind of shows.

Recently a positive statement from Secretary of State for Defra, Caroline Spelman, gave hope that a ban of wild animals in circuses will come into force in England. NGO Born Free Foundation, one of the leaders of the campaign, is asking everyone to make their voices heard to ensure that a ban is implemented, and to call on the Government to make certain that a ban will be enforced without delay (check how you can take action here).

Born Free highlights in its website that Anne, the 58 year-old arthritic elephant, has finally been retired from ‘Bobby Roberts Super Circus’. However, it reminds that it can not be forgotten that approximately 40 other wild animals still remain in UK circuses. Animals unfortunate enough to be used by circuses today are living miserable lives of extended periods of confinement, long-haul transportation, and inadequate housing in “beastwagons”, all in the name of entertainment.