The suffering of a chimpanzee
posted in 26 Feb 2014

The life of Toti, chimpanzee who lives is an inhospitable Zoo in Rio Negro Province, Argentina , where he is isolated and does not know anyone, remains a real drama . We have reported here what Toti spent in his 24 years of a miserable life – he will never get rid of humans who wish to use  and exploit him and massage their vanity using innocent and defenseless creatures for their enjoyment.

See the report that environmentalist Carolina Alcaraz makes of a day in the life of Toti – who is exposed in a cage – after being taken in the night from Córdoba Zoo when he was about to be released due to a Habeas Corpus appeal , which Alejandra Juarez and the GAP Project had filed.

Carolina – “I went to Bubalco zoo to see Toti to see the closest I could. He looked at us, stayed closed, made ​​some grimaces and went back to sleep.  He was very quiet.

Before leaving, we returned to see Toti and I was very angry and helpless to see the treatment that caregivers gave him, to force him to go and arrest him in the dorm. Toti was very nervous, there were many handlers to him, who is alone, and this was not necessary. If he is already encaged, do they need to lock him even more behind a steel door? He will not escape that room.

Toti was nervous, he did not want to go and did not respond to the call of the handlers .

His face showed his anger, he shouted while moaning. I got sad to see the way he looked at us and we could do nothing. Keepers called him and he was not going, we called him and he came to us, like begging for help. ”

All zoos are like this. They force all the animals to come into their dorms, where they are locked up for more than 12 hours per day . A real torture, day after day, year after year.

Toti could live free in a sanctuary, where nobody would lock him up and he would hang on with his peers , both day and night.

It is close the day that zoos will no longer exist as centers of entertainment for humans and turn into real refuge for the unfortunate who need this space.

Toti still have faith that someday he can be truly happy.

Let’s continue fighting for him!


Dr. Pedro A. Ynterian

President , GAP Project International

Images of Toti at Bulbaco Zoo – Rio Negro – Argentina

Toti en Bulbaco (4)

Toti en Bulbaco (3) Toti en Bulbaco (2) Toti en Bulbaco (1)