The sacrifice of the innocent ones
posted in 30 Jun 2010


In 2001, 21 chimpanzees who survived from the experimentation of North-American Air Force and NASA Space Project were delivered to Save the Chimps sanctuary, in Fort Pierce, Florida. At that time Dr. Carole Noon was starting to build it, to save the lives of those who remained from that cruel and pathetic experience created by humans to avoid the risks from themselves.

Those chimpanzees were taken off their habitat in Africa, taking off the live with their families and were kidnapped to be submitted to a different experimentation: the preparation for the space running, in the middle of a period of cold war between capitalism and communism. A lot were not so lucky as these 21 chimpanzees and died during training or in the absurd experimentation to what they were submitted.

From the 21 survivors, eight were not able to enjoy a relax life at the sanctuary and together with humans who really care about them and passed away.

In the honor of these innocent beings, completely sacrificed by humane insensitivity, we reproduce here their photos, as post mortem homage to Dr. Carole Noon, the extraordinary woman who fought against the military system to be able to save those who should never had been sacrificed.

Dr. Pedro A. Ynterian
President, GAP Project International