Sandra Herold was the owner of chimpanzee Travis, 13 years old, who was shot dead by the police last February after having attacked her friend, Carla Nash, who was trying to catch him. Travis had run away of the house he lived with Sandra.
Carla Nash is still in critical condition at Cleveland Clinic, after losing her hands, nose, eyes and part of her chin, and her family called for a commitment of Sandra Herold. It consists of having up to U$D 10 million of her assets frozen – her properties are valued on USD 50 million – to guarantee reparation to Carla and pay for the medical cost, which already reached almost USD 1 million.
It is estimated that Carla Nash will stay in hospital for a lot of years and will still going to be submitted to several surgeries, in order to try to recover her face, which was almost completely destroyed with the chimpanzee aggression.
Dr. Pedro A Ynterian
President, GAP Project International