The invasion of hedgehogs
posted in 12 Feb 2014

When we started the sanctuary in Sorocaba 17 years ago, we were in a rural area, far away from civilization. However, it has already progressed aggressively and currently we are surrounded by it, converting GAP Sanctuary on an island refuge for dozens of species threatened by the so-called “civilization”.

When we went with chimpanzees, yet babies, in the woods for our daily incursion, our concerns were snakes and spiders that could, in their innocence, hurt them. Occasionally, we come across deer, capybaras and hedgehogs. Those last ones, up in the trees where the chimps also played, gave us some headaches. The chimps used to try to grab them and there were pricked by the defensive system of this unique animal.

The problem we have now is that deforestation has greatly increased. The forest is smaller every day, where the animals are cornered and are often stupidly killed. The Sanctuary is forbidden to kill or capture wild animals , but the balance is complicated because there are too many animals for an area that is not so big: half a million square meters .

The arrival of Toyota recently has further  unbalanced the situation, since this company and its affiliates hold more than 1 million square feet and the animals that were there – the survivors – are in our territory now.

Hedgehogs are very fond of mango. This year, with global warming, execessive heat and lack of rain, the dozens of  mangoes hardly gave fruits. It has a mango tree on the grounds of Catherine and Jango’s enclosure thatt was an exception and hedgehogs were there to check.. Jango , it seems, in his life had already experienced being stuck by a strange creature. Catherine, in her innocence, tried to pick it and her hands were nailed to those thorns that penetrate deep and are difficult to extract.

Jango was distressed to see his beloved Catherine moaning in pain and asked for help. Dr. Camila came to his aid and pulled some thorns and when blood was flowing, Jango became increasingly distressed. But the learning was immediate: with her teeth , Catherine began to take by herself the missing thorns, getting rid of them.

But days ago, the invasion of hedgehogs continued and another entered her room. This time she was smarter. With a stick, she tried to get them out of the tree without getting too close, until they managed to make they run. Jango , terrified, watched his brave partner get rid of the danger of that strange animal .

Others who have learned to respect the hedgehogs are dogs.. The majority have been skewered by them, in their attempt to catch them .

We are “vaccinated” when we heard yelling in the precincts of the chimps . Possibly it is an attacker hedgehog being away from their food with every type of instrument , including blankets.


Dr. Pedro A. Ynterian

President, GAP Project International