The Green wave is rising
posted in 05 Oct 2010


The elections in Brazil on October 3rd made it very clear.

From now on no candidate will be elected if he or she does not give the real attention to environment, nature, to animal respect and to the preservation of our resources.

The Green wave that took the last Brazilian President election to the second round is a proof that the youngsters of our country understood the message that Nature is sent us every day and every year. Everyone must respect it, otherwise there will a day people will regret to be on living beings on the planet.

The President candidates – Dilam Roussef and Jose Serra – will return to the election on October 31st and with the green wave will have to include in ther government plans the questions put on Marina Silva’s plan, which made her to obtain almost 20 million votes of Brazilian citinzes, with a low resources campaign.

Those who do not respect Nature, plants and animals will be, from now on, politicians with no future or votes. This is the message of the last elections. Green wave arrived to stay forever!

Dr. Pedro A. Ynterian

President, GAP Project International