The fight continues for Toti
posted in 10 Apr 2014

Alejandra Juarez, GAP representative in Argentina, forwarded this message on the eve of great events to request the shuttle of chimpanzee Toti to a Sanctuary in Brazil.

“To all who follow us by Toti:

I know we have multiplicity of ideas and beliefs. But I know that deep in our hearts we feel the same. Perhaps, several procedures at different times…

I know yesterday was Arturo and many others, and today is by Toti, but I also know that the fight is for many “Totis”. It is by Monti, in Santiago del Estero; by Martin, Sasha and their son in Buenos Aires Zoo; Johnny and Cali in Zoo Lujan; by Charly and Xuxa in the Zoo Cecilia Mendoza; Toto in the Zoo of Entre Ríos and furthermore to support Zuri and his companions in the zoo of La Plata, in the management that is being held to move them to a better life.

“Today is the chimpanzee, who is practically human. Tomorrow is the rest of the animals. Over time, everyone will have to be respected.

It is important that the action be held on Friday, April 11. It is important for Toti, for all “Totis”. If we win once, so only once, it will be the beginning of many achievements, as long as it will be the way to cross this obsolete and hard threshold, to achieve “Equality beyond humanity. Breaking the species barrier.

Thank you today on behalf of many “Totis”!

Alejandra Juarez, GAP Argentina

Images of chimpanzees in zoos in Argentina

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