Support PASA and help to save lives
posted in 27 Feb 2019

From PASA – Pan African Sanctuary Alliance

No one knew if Likoni would survive when he arrived at Colobus Conservation, a PASA member sanctuary in Kenya.

This helpless baby monkey had been viciously attacked by people with machetes. They left him alone to die.

Thankfully someone witnessed this cruelty and called Colobus Conservation’s 24-hour rescue hotline before it was too late!

Sanctuary staff rushed to the scene and whisked Likoni to safety. He was on the verge of death, but the care he received at Colobus Conservation brought him back to life.

Now, Likoni’s injuries have healed! He is a playful baby monkey, meeting new friends in his troop at Colobus Conservation and living without fear of abuse.

Colobus Conservation rescues hundreds of monkeys like Likoni from cruelty and abuse, power line electrocutions, and car accidents, and they provide urgent medical treatment. No one else in the area provides emergency rescue services and cares for injured wildlife. The sanctuary’s 24 hour hotline ensures that when people spot an animal in need of immediate rescue, their call for help will be answered right away.

Last month, Colobus Conservation’s only vehicle broke down and required major repairs. Repair costs were unaffordable, and the wildlife center was forced to rely on tuk-tuks (small open-air taxis) to fill the role of this vital truck.

This was an enormous problem that crippled the sanctuary’s ability to save monkeys in need.

When PASA talked with the Colobus Conservation staff, they told, “without our truck we are unable to attend urgent welfare calls. This results in injured monkeys leaving the incident location before our team can arrive and administer care and treatment, impacting their welfare.” Thanks to support from the PASA network and supporters, we were able to repair the sanctuary’s truck and get it back on the road rescuing injured and abused monkeys.

Colobus Conservation’s dedication to caring for monkeys and primates never stops. The next emergency call can happen any moment. With your support, injured and abused little monkeys like Likoni can be rescued before it’s too late. You can save a life today. Don’t let this chance slip away.

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