A petition created by Voice for Zoo Animals Japan to be sent to Ikuo Kabashima, Governor of Kumamoto Prefecture Yoshioki Sato, Mayor of Aso City, urges that Miyazawa Theater, in Kumamoto Prefecture, stops the exploitation of infant chimpanzee Purin. Unfortunately this kind of entertainment activities with animals still happens in some places in Japan.
Purin was born in 2015 at Cuddly Dominion in Japan, separated from her mother and put in an artificial incubator. She was only four days old at the time. The facility insists that her baby seemed premature, but she was 1500g, meaning she was in a normal, healthy weight range.
Her mother could have raised her, but wasn’t given the chance to do so. The removal of her baby would have been extremely traumatic and she’d suffer for a long time as a result. In the wild, a chimpanzee child stays with his or her family for at least eight years.
Since 2016, she has been on stage performing on a regular basis. She now wears fake glasses and rides on a scooter, stunts her father was made to do as well.
Since 2006, prominent Japanese primatologists have issued public statements urging the facility to stop using chimpanzees for this degrading kind of circus entertainment. The International Primatological Society has added their objection by saying Great Apes should not be used for entertainment, as do many other primate experts and advocates.
Sign this petition to end the use of Great Apes for entertainment in Japan.
Read more: https://www.saga-jp.org/indexe.html