Stolen Apes
posted in 07 Mar 2013

STOLEN APES: THE ILLICIT TRADE IN CHIMPANZEES, GORILLAS, BONOBOS AND ORANGOTANS (click here to read) is the first report that analyzes the scale and extent of illegal trade and exposes the sophisticated connections of criminal networks between countries, as well as legislation and efforts to ban these illegal acts.

This report was produced by the program GRASP – Great Apes Survival Partnership, of United Nations. It is estimated that a minimum of 22,218 great apes have disappeared of the jungles since 2005, through sale, death by hunting or death by forced captivity. Chimpanzees are a total of 64% of them.

The report also examines records of confiscation, information on international trade and on repressive actions, as well as proportions of arrivals in sanctuaries and rehabilitation centers between 2005 and 2011.