Stella: a lonely star
posted in 23 Jul 2013

History repeats itself. She was born in Africa in the early 70s. In 1974, she appeared at the notorious Air Force Base Holloman, in Alamogordo, USA, where the suffering of chimpanzees has no end date. At first she was used as a guinea pig in a laboratory, later, for breeding. Between 1980 and 1997, she gave birth to 13 children, all of them stolen after birth; she never managed to breastfeed or create at least one of her children. Cruelty.

Three of those 13 children have died. Four were lucky enough to be at Save the Chimps Sanctuary, along with her, unaware that she is their mother. Their names are: the First Connor, Logan, Moesha and Whoopie. Other children are still in the hands of torturers, awaiting a place in a sanctuary to be free from the infamous life they lead. They are: Julie and Yheo, residing in the Biomedical Research Institute of Texas. Her son Ziggy seems to be at the Alamogordo Primate Center, and another son, Barry, also seems to reside in another terrible torture center, the Center for Research in Primates New Iberia.
Throughout her life as a breeder, she could only be a few weeks with some adult company, whether male or female, but was never allowed to create emotional bonds with anyone. This she found in the Sanctuary with Geraldine, her great companion and friend.
When the keepers learned that Stella did not wake up that day and was in the room, their first concern was how Geraldine would react. However, Stella must have prepared very well her friend for her travel to infinity. Geraldine stayed with her in the bedroom, the others went to the island outside. IShe took a blanket and covered Stella; she knew that her friend soul would never wake up. Stella, as a lone star that she was, had undertaken a journey of no return, after 42 years of suffering and anguish by one sin: being born a chimpanzee.
Dr. Pedro A. Ynterian
President, GAP Project International