Stand With Us for Abandoned Chimps
posted in 20 Oct 2015

Oct 15, 2015: Today, we are rallying outside the New York Blood Center’s headquarters in New York City with many other animal advocates. We have gathered together to call on NYBC to reinstate funding to care for more than 60 chimpanzees that the Center abandoned in Liberia. After decades of research and testing, these animals were left to fend for themselves on islands with no direct access to food or water.

Despite an international outcry, NYBC unbelievably continues to deny any responsibility for these chimpanzees.

Stand with us wherever you are by sending a letter to NYBC’s officials today — let them know that they need to keep their promise to provide lifetime care for these chimpanzees.;jsessionid=9311C3AC319D47CF7FF56C265E368490.app325b?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=6921&autologin=true&s_src=em_ha101515


Wayne Pacelle, President & CEO

Humane Society of the United States