Spanish zoos accused of negligence
posted in 14 Sep 2011


A communication by GAP Project Spain accuses several zoos of the country for negligence and abandonment of the animals. Specifically, the communication alerts Spanish authorities about the case of Oasis Del Valle Zoo and the ranch of Loro Park, because there is also evidence that some valued exotic birds are missing.

GAP Project asks the authorities to create a multidisciplinary commission to investigate both facilities and also alerts about the disappearance of the chimpanzees of the public sight in the zoo, which can led to the conclusion that the apes are in bad health state.

These zoos were already denounced for European Commission on 2007 and Spain had to pay a fine for the non accomplishment of the zoo regulation of the continent.

The communication, signed by Executive Director of GAP Spain, Pedro Pozas Terrados, points that “the zoos are obsolete and it should not be allowed any more zoos in the country. There are many ways to teach children about wild animals with no need to maintain slaves for this purpose. Not to mention that these animals do not represent, in terms of behavior, their equals in the wild.” The majority of the animals, according to Pozas, suffer form psychological diseases caused by captivity, as it has already been demonstrated in several scientific works already published.