Spanish personalities support Habeas Corpus
posted in 25 Feb 2010


In a press communication of GAP Project Spain promoted today, it was published a report of the situation that resulted in the order of Habeas Corpus signed by Dr. Heron Santana and other lawyers for chimpanzee Jimmy, who lives isolated in a cage in a private zoo of Niterói city (Rio de Janeiro state) and under irregular conditions according to Brazilian environment legislation.

In the communication it is mentioned the support of renowned Spanish personalities to the Habeas Corpus. Among them are:

· Dr. Máximo Sandín, Biology Professor of Madrid University;
· Dr. J. Roberto Pérez, Public International Law Professor of Valencia University and member of Human Rights University Institute;
· Dr. Fernando Valladares, Associated Professor of King Juan Carlos University and Researcher of CSIC;
· Consuelo Ramon, Public International Law Professor of Valencia University and member of Human Rights University Institute;
· Guillermo Agudelo, Civil Enginneer and Director of Human Evolution Investigation Institute;
· Alberto Vazquez-Figueroa, renowned Spanish writer.

According to Executive Director of GAP Project Spain, Pedro Pozas Terrados, there is an increasing movement in Spain that joints several organizations in the direction to change article 337 of animal mistreating Penal Code, adding a special chapter for great primates.

According to the proposal that is being analyzed by Spanish Congress men, “those who sell, import, export, kidnap or use great primates for experiments or circus shows will be condemned to penalties of one to three years of prison, prohibition, from three to ten years, of owning an animal and fines.

GAP Project Spain, which collects a lot of information about mistreating against great primates, is studying, having the Brazilian case as an example, the possibility of ordering Habeas Corpus to free their great primates.

Dr. Pedro A. Ynterian
President, GAP Project International

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New Habeas Corpus in favor of Jimmy is ordered in Rio de Janeiro state,new-habeas-corpus-in-favor-of-jimmy-is-ordered-in-rio-de-janeiro-state