Sorocaba Sanctuary has 24 different species of primates
posted in 11 Nov 2010

Apart from chimpanzees, GAP Sanctuary of Sorocaba hosts other animals. In a recent intern survey, the list was of 24 different primates living in the sanctuary. Check it out::

1. Banhado monkey (Allenopithecus nigroviridis)
2. Howler monkey (Alouatta caraya)
3. Howler monkey (Alouatta fusca)
4. Black face spider monkey (Ateles chamek)
5. White forehead spider monkey (Ateles marginatus)
6. Red face spider monkey (Ateles paniscus)
7. White hair tamarin (Callithrix jacchus)
8. Black hair tamarin (Callithrix penicillata)
9. Gold hand tamarin (Saguinus midas midas)
10. Capuchin monkey (Cebus apella)
11. Cairara monkey (Cebus albifrons)
12. Yellow chest capuchin monkey (Cebus xanthosternus)
13. Wooly monkey (Lagothrix lagotricha)
14. Gibon (Hylobates syndactilus)
15. Mangabei (Lophocebus aterrimus)
16. Crab-eating monkey (Macaca fascicularis)
17. Rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta)
18. Mandrill (Mandrillus sphinx)
19. Baboon (Papio anubis)
Baboon (Papio cynocephalus)
21. Baboon (Papio papio)
22. Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes troglodytes)
23. Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes verus)
24. Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii)

See the new photos of the larger Primates Sanctuary of Americas here