posted in 26 Nov 2008

A lot is known about the sixth sense, but few – or no – scientific base is able to explain it. It is a phenomenon that is not explained, but is believed to exist only between humans. Have you ever felt a different sensation, as if you had been oriented by something to leave one place, or call someone at a specific timeω But would this be a distinct and unique characteristic of humansω Facts show that this is not true. As an example we can quote the 2004 Tsunami, which devastated Asia. Moments before a lot of animals seemed to be worried and a great quantity migrated to higher regions, as if they were predicting what was about to happen. Even with the scientists arguing that they were able to feel soil vibrations and even waves, no argument, until now, was successful to drop the explanation that there are other animals who are also owners of special senses. With chimpanzees this is not different.


In a recent visit to GAP Chimpanzees Sanctuary in Curitiba, done together with the Spanish photographer Aisha Bonet, future representative of GAP Project in Africa, the way we were received by the 18 guests surprised us. Even the sanctuary\’s owners, Mr. Milan and Mrs Anita, told they were surprised with the calm and tranquility of the chimpanzees that were seeing us for the first time. In Sorocaba sanctuary, different people in their routine are received with suspicion expressed with noises, yells and power demonstrations, aiming to intimidate the "intruders", as long as they do not know the real intention of new people in the beginning. Nevertheless, in Curitiba we did not have this initial relationship problem. On the contrary. Every one showed friendship and wished to talk to us. How to explain thatω In a way or the other, they know when the humans have good intention and learn to differ only by looking. And it is not a simple look, but a deep look into our eyes. Our experience in Sorocaba sanctuary also proves our arguments. After a while of living the day-by-day with them, they are able to notice when we are worried or even sad with something. The not only notice, but also respect and many times want to console demonstrating attention and doing some gestures.


More than almost human beings, they are intelligent. Then, the idea that they are only primates is each day even more old-fashioned. Recognize to them the right to life, to freedom and to non-torture is more than a duty. It is our obligation as primates and humans.

Msc. Luiz Fernando Leal Padulla