Sabrina is a suffered lioness. She lived in a small cage of a circus, along with her two brothers. Since her birth she practically just met this hell of home. There, she could not move and when she grew up and became an adult, she began to develop back problems and paralysis in the forelimbs, due to lack of exercise.
When she reached at Sorocaba Sanctuary, we could only curse those people in the circus who did this to her – seeing that extraordinary feline converted into a frightened being who could not walk right and frequently fell down due to the lack of coordination in their forepaws.
What was the point? The damage had been done. We should fight for their recovery. She was put alone in a enclosure, provided proper nutrition, she gained weight, lost the fear and even wanted to play with her handlers. Maybe the hate in her soul for humans began to dissipate. However, a new complication occurred: a broken canine tooth, probably by biting that infamous cage, turned a fistula and an abscess. Sabrina must have felt a hallucinating pain.
On Friday, August 24, after three hours of anesthesia, the veterinarian dentist Leonel Rocha, from Pet Dental Clinic, from Taubaté and São José dos Campos, who has helped us in other cases, brought an end to Sabrina’s suffering. The removal of the lesion and the root canal in the cracked tooth gave Sabrina a new life without pain and suffering.
Dr. Leonel was attended by the entire staff of the veterinaries of the Sanctuary, which followed later the recovery of lioness Sabrina.