Rescue in Leme: the anguish of a lion
posted in 06 Jun 2014
Leão Chicão5_302x200

Two weeks ago, a team of GAP Sanctuary in Sorocaba ended with perfection a rescue in  Leme Zoo, countryside of São Paulo, which was being disabled. Two lionesses, named Isa and Salena, and chimpanzee Toto were anesthetized, placed in boxes and driven by our truck at their new destination.

When the team returned, they phoned me and I felt that something was not right. When I inquired them, I quickly realized that the anguish of lion Chicão reflected in his eyes and his reactions sensitized our staff and the Zoo’s , because everybody realized that the separation of the family of felines was a drama that would leave deep sequelae.

We could not separate the female lions, perhaps one of them was the mother. He could not understand what was happening, that those beings called humans were letting him behind, and his family disappeared to an unknown direction. We contacted the state authorities and with the support of the staff from the Zoo, a transfer order for the Zoo of Limeira was canceled and another for GAP Sanctuary in Sorocaba was issued. This time the bureaucracy had feelings and family unity prevailed. On Tuesday (June 3), a lion came to the reunion with his loved ones.

A lion with his gestures and his gaze made everyone involved reflect. A new animal rescue, of beings that were stupidly displayed in zoos to entertain an ignorant humanity, showed the world that family separation in the Animal Kingdom is a cruel suffering, perhaps even greater than when it happens between Homo sapiens.

Dr. Pedro A. Ynterian

President, GAP Project International

Images of lion Chicão and lionesses Isa e Salena

Leoa Salena_302x200 Leoa Salena 1_302x200 Leoa Isa_302x200 Leoa Isa 2_302x200 Leão Chicão8_302x200 Leão Chicão5_302x200 Leão Chicão em adaptção_302x200 Leão Chicão e de fundo leoa Salena7_302x200