Puerto Rico: monkeys for medical experimentation
posted in 22 Sep 2010


Bioculture is a company located at Puerto Rico (North-American state) that reproduces monkeys and other animals for use in medical experimentation.

In its most recent project it is planned to catch in the jungles of Mauricio Island, near Madagascar (African east coast), 4 thousand monkeys to initiate an intensive reproduction program in order to supply United States and other countries medical laboratories with the animals. The monkeys from Mauricio Island are protect by CITES Convention, about species threatened to extinction. But this does not matter for business men of death and torture of innocent beings.

Due to the fight promoted by environmentalists in Puerto Rico, the construction of the facilities of Bioculture has already been suspended, but was reinitiated. Puerto Rico is a paradise of multinational pharmaceutical companies that were settled there due to cheap work force, less restrict laws and less taxes. It has already happened bad experiences with other projects with animals, in which some escaped and contaminated the biodiversity of the island. Bioculture also has irregularities historical, a lot due to violation of environmental laws.

Puerto Rico senator Melinda Romero Donnely presented Resolution 1514 at the Senate, insisting with United States Wild Life and Fishing Service not to give permission to Bioculture to install the project.

To support the strength of the ones who defend the integrity of the fauna, sign the petition:

Halt the Construction of Primate Prison in Puerto Rico

Dr. Pedro A. Ynterian
President, GAP Project International