Protecting chimpanzees from COVID-19 – one year later
posted in 16 Jun 2021

By Save the Chimps Sanctuary

Over a year ago we put strict protocols in place to protect the chimps from COVID-19. With so many of our chimpanzee residents either elderly or immuno-compromised, we enacted strict protocols since the very beginning. We were the first to adapt such strict protocols and we are happy and proud we did. But it has not been easy.

What did that look like? Just like your lives, our life at the sanctuary was completely different….

  • It meant everyone non-essential needed to work off site.
  • At times, we divided our staff into two nonoverlapping teams of twelve – often doing the work of forty, still providing the same quality of care to our residents.
  • It meant strict Personal Protective Equipment.
  • It meant ordering extra supplies to keep on hand to ensure we had enough food, PPE, and medications no matter what happened.
  • It meant washing each and every piece of produce that our chimpanzee residents receive (thousands each day).
  • It meant double disinfecting foot baths, no staff within six feet of each other, temperatures taken twice a day.
  • It meant – we would do whatever it took to keep them safe!

Just like you, we were happy to do our part. But just like you, we worried. Now, over a year later, many of these protocols are still in place. Some are likely permanent. If you ask anyone if it was worth the effort, the trouble, they will say yes. We have had no cases of Covid-19 in our chimpanzee residents. The safety and wellness of the chimpanzees and staff are always top priority. No matter how hard the work, it will always be worth it.

That’s why our generous Board of Directors have issued a Board Match Challenge – so that EVERY gift you make will be doubled and have twice the impact in protecting and caring for our chimpanzee residents.

Help us continue to protect and care for our resident chimpanzees by giving today. Only gifts made by June 30th will be matched, you can make a real difference in the lives of our residents, won’t you please give now?