PASA denounces transfer of chimpanzees used in primatology center in the US to a Zoo in England
posted in 28 Sep 2016

Yerkes Primate Center, which belongs to Emory University, tortured, for almost a century, chimpanzees, claiming scientific and biomedical research reasons.

Due to the cruelty of Yerkes and the direction of the University that maintains it, which has no limits, it is intended that the last seven unfortunates who remained there to be sent to a little known zoo in England, which has no great apes and sees the presence of these beings who were tortured over a lifetime as a way to promote visitations and raise money. These chimpanzees could be sent to a great apes sanctuary in the United States.

Several North American organizations for the defense of animals, as well as PASA – Pan African Sanctuaries Alliance, have spoken out against sending these seven chimpanzees for a Zoo without tradition in the UK, outside North American borders.

The Wingham Wildlife Park would be the damned destination chosen by the Director of Emory University to send the great apes. In principle, the Fauna Protection Service of US Ministry of Agriculture, which should prevent this illegal transfer, is accepting it.

November is the fateful month for these unfortunate leave the Torture Center of Yerkes and follow to the Torture Center in British Zoo.

Intense mobilization is needed to prevent Emory University, which has in its curriculum the death and torture of hundreds of primates, to put in practice this dark and sadistic decision.

Dr. Pedro A. Ynterian
General Secretary, GAP Project International