From PASA – Pan African Sanctuaries Alliance
The stars were shining in the Congolese sky, and Yombe, one of the oldest chimpanzees at HELP Congo, who had lost a leg in a poacher’s trap as a baby, was still sleeping soundly. Yves, Bienvenu, Ntadi, and Sylveres, HELP Congo’s animal care staff, pulled themselves from their beds and began making their way to the sanctuary. This morning they watched the sun rise, knowing they needed to save Yombe’s life.
The day started like any other. They were incredibly busy rehabilitating orphaned chimps that have been saved from poachers, caring for the chimps in their sweeping island habitats, preparing nutritious food, and monitoring each chimp for signs of health and social problems.
Raising the Bar
Unfortunately, opportunities to learn advanced skills to care for victims recovering from the brutal wildlife trade are almost impossible to come by at HELP Congo and across Africa.
Thanks to our supporters, PASA started the Primate Care Training program to address this need by bringing cutting-edge techniques to PASA member sanctuaries like HELP Congo. Now sanctuary staff are learning new ways to give medical treatment and dedicated care to great apes and monkeys recuperating from lives of unspeakable abuse and trauma.
This urgently needed program is saving chimps like Yombe—one of HELP Congo’s oldest males. When he was a baby, his left leg was caught in a vicious metal trap. He was rescued and brought to HELP Congo, where he became the dominant male in his group despite only having one leg. However, his remaining leg was seriously injured this June and he couldn’t walk or even collect food. We didn’t know if he was going to pull through.
Together, Carmen and the team performed a difficult surgery which saved Yombe’s life
We are incredibly grateful for all the support that made it possible for Carmen Vidal, a Primate Care Training instructor, to go to the sanctuary to train Yves, Bienvenu, Ntadi, and Sylveres every morning from 5:00 until 6:30 am. Carmen worked particularly intensely with Yves, HELP Congo’s vet nurse, teaching him innovative veterinary procedures.
We are happy to tell you that after six weeks of recovery, Yombe is strong and healthy again! He has joined a new chimp family on another island, where he’s spending his days in the sunshine and trees. Your support makes it possible for Yombe’s dedicated caregivers to use the skills they learned in PASA’s Primate Care Training program to give better lives to rescued chimps.
Many more sanctuaries in Africa need specialized training. Right now, you can do something amazing—your gift will make it possible to train people like Yves to save great apes and monkeys. Won’t you please give what you can to help these suffering animals heal?
To learn more about Primate Care Training and donate, click here: