In the coming days, GAP Project and its representations worldwide will circulate among all social networks and the media the launch of its larger project: the recognition of the four species of great apes as “World Living Heritage”. This request, which is fair, scientific, ethical, moral, emotional and supportive, will be forwarded by thousands of citizens of the world to UNESCO.
The support of thousands of personalities, scientists, environmentalists, defenders of wild and exotic fauna, and ordinary citizens who wish to preserve nature and its members, will be the largest collaboration that great apes will receive from the human race, so that the debt we have with them is definitely settled.
Since its founding in 1994 by Australian philosopher Peter Singer and a group of scientists, GAP Project has never abandoned its goal: to make human societies in all corners of the planet recognize that chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans and bonobos are and should remain an integral part of the genus Homo, as we humans.
This global campaign that is now beginning, with the already anticipated support of hundreds of personalities, should end only when the most important cultural organization of the world, UNESCO, recognize them as WORLD LIVING HERITAGE.
Dr. Pedro A. Ynterian
President, GAP Project International
Check out world personalities who have joined the campaign (in Spanish).