Orca Morgan: European Parliament accepts GAP´s denounce
posted in 18 Apr 2012

GAP Project Spain sent, a few weeks ago, a request for  the European Parliament asking for an investigation about the case of orca Morgan, who was sent by the Dutch Government to a water park in Spain, ignoring the claiming of scientists and activists for Morgan´s release in the ocean.

The Chairman of the Committee on Petitions of the European Parliament accepted the request for investigation, since it meets all existing standards and forwarded the same to the competent organs of the European Union.

The executive director of GAP Project  Spain, Pedro Pozas Terrados, declared he was satisfied with the attitude of the European Parliament. In the public announcement, he pointed that the Swiss Parliament has banned the keeping of any cetacean in zoos or water parks. He also pointed out that Chile and other countries, such as Norway, Luxembourg, Slovenia and Cyprus, are banning circuses shows with cetaceans.

In the same statement of GAP Spain, the decision by American Association for the Advancement of Science – the world’s largest scientific society, which owns the journal Science – announced in its recent meeting in Vancouver, declaring that all cetaceans must be treated as "nonhuman persons" with rights to life and freedom, was applauded.

 GAP also announced that it has more than 100,000 signatures in the campaign of "Freedom to Morgan," together with other advocacy groups of animals on the planet.

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