Opening Doors
posted in 05 Feb 2014

I met her when we were both starting. She, in a very hostile environment, where the chimps were tortured to death, and I, in not so much hostile one, but in an environment where the primates were negotiated between individual buyers , circuses , zoos and entertainment centers, shamelessly.

Dr. Carole Noon perhaps is not known as other women, who years ago were the icons in the fight for the rights of great apes in the four corners of the world. However, she is at the same height or maybe even more than them.

She had to face powerful enemies, in a capitalist society where profit are the only thing that matters and chimpanzees – falsely – have become the tool to reinforce the same, either in the space race and the race for the enrichment of the fantastic development of miraculous cures .

The U.S. Air Force had 21 chimpanzees. They were the remnants of a larger group, where many did not survive and were subjected to all sorts of absurd evidence to falsely protect the humans, who would later become the heroes of space. Dr. Carole Noon had a small sanctuary (Save the Chimps) in Fort Pierce, Florida. , and asked the Air Force to hand over those 21 survivors . However, human cruelty is immense. Instead of giving them to someone who promised life, they delivered them to a Center for Medical Tortures – the Coulston Foundation – that “smelled” like death.

However, Dr. Carole did not give up. She had faith that justice existed in her country and that murder appointment could not happen. She filed a lawsuit and succeeded. The survivors of Air Force chimps were given to her, the only person in this world who could save them.

When we entered the gate of the sanctuary, we already feel the power that emanated from an unknown location in the middle of Florida woods. A large sanctuary was emerging from the waters that covered the mangrove. Chimpanzees I saw were terrible. They were living samples of what a society without compassion for the weak could do with them. However, they were alive, at least, and began to recognize the first island, this paradise that once met another 12 more.

Carole died prematurely. A fatal pancreatic cancer struck her a few years ago. But before she left this world, she achieved something even greater. When the Coulston Foundation broke, she saw a huge opportunity to save other 266 survivors. Jon Stryker came to her aid. It took a few million to buy from the estate the Center for Torture Coulston, with all chimpanzees within. Stryker and his Arcus Foundation made ​​the miracle. The 266 chimpanzees began to see life after perceiving suffering and death. Dr. Carole cried a lot when she entered the Coulston Foundation and saw the state of those 266 survivors of Science massacre. But the tears fueled her powerful inner strength, managed to take them to Florida and close that shameful institution, funded in part with funds from National Institute of Health – NIH, which was and is also an accomplice of all the hidden suffering that thousands of primates suffer in North America.

It was necessary to tell the saga of this great woman. Perhaps, the Biggest Defender of Chimpanzees of the Universe . And now it was done. Gary Ferguson, a well known writer, author of over 20 books related to the environment, science and nature, gathered in 176 pages with 250 pictures the story that had never been told. Jon Stryker, philanthropist, architect, activist for social and environmental causes and founder of the Arcus Foundation, put his thoughts in the prologue.

Book OPENING DOORS – Carole Noon and Her Dream to Save the Chimps, march 2014

A life lesson!

Dr. Pedro A. Ynterian

President , GAP Project International