posted in 11 Feb 2009
Mr. President, one of your first decisions when you assumed the Presidency of the United States was to put an end to the secret "torture centers" that existed in the world. This action that aimed to the transparency of your administration was greeted by everyone as a courageous, ethical and humane act. Nevertheless, there are still hidden torture centers working, not for humans, but for our brothers the great primates, especially chimpanzees, which have been slaughtered for years in invasive medical experiments that have no results, but steal the lives of innocents who can not protest or defend themselves.

Several North American organizations like R&R Project and NEAVS, have been alerting the American society and all its sectors, that there are yet 1000 chimpanzees in medical experimentation labs.  There they are tortured in terrible procedures that cause pain, suffering and mental disturbances in beings that are kept even more than 40 years submitted to these conditions.

There is a bill proposal in the House (Great Ape Protection Act), introduced on April 18th 2008 by congressmen Edolphus Towns (D-NY), David Reichert (R-WA), James Langevin (D-RI) and Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD), that puts an end to invasive medical experimentation, giving back to these beings a life without fear and pain in sanctuaries that preserve them from human slavery.

Chimpanzees have 99.4% of our DNA and have the same blood as ours, even being able to donate it to humans. They are intelligent, sensible and social beings who feel all the emotions, like us, and have a common ancestor with us, dating back two million years. To expose them to torture, slavery and exploitation of every kind is a crime against humanity.
There are three medical torture centers of primates disguised as private labs which receive public funds for their research: Yerkes National Primate Research Center, New Iberia Research Center and Southwest National Primate Research Center. They ignore the law and do not accept to open their files and show what they do against hundreds of primates who suffer in their labs.

 A Government order can force them to be transparent and show what is done there. And federal funds must be cut when it is proved that there are primates torture centers (chimpanzees and other species) that make profit for private companies that develop medicines – a lot of them not useful – that injure the economies of the poorest sectors of the world population.
President Obama, we know that because of your origin and life you know the world reality better than anyone. Great primates\’ exploitation by unscrupulous humans must end. We believe that you can do it.


Dr. Pedro Alejandro Ynterian
President, GAP Project International