North-American Government transfers again chimpanzees to medical torture labs
posted in 02 Sep 2010


North-American Health Institute (NIH) has informed it is going to transfer 168 retired chimpanzees, who are at
Alamogordo Primate Facility (APF), on New MexicoState, to Southwest National Primate Research Center, Texas, a medical torture center where every kind of cruel and invasive experiment were made in the past with these unhappy beings.

A few days ago, New Mexico Governor, Bill Richardson, and a lot of Nature and Animals protection organizations, as R&R Project and NEAVS, spoke out against this transference.

North-American Health Institute (NIH), which has a terrible history of animal torture, persists with the decision of using these innocent beings in experiments with hepatitis, cancer and auto-immune diseases. All these diseases will be inoculated in the 168 chimpanzees, which have already been made in the past with no successful results. But they persist on this way to enrich pharmacy companies, which are not concerned with the suffering of living beings so close to us.

However, a Bill proposal continues to be analyzed by the Senate and the Congress, in order to prohibit this kind of criminal activities with great primates.

Write to:

Laura Bonar, RN, Program Director
Animal Protection of New México

Supporting the campaign to avoid that chimpanzees come back to medical torture

Protest also directly to NIH:
Dr. Barbara Alving, Director, NCRR

Make NIH’s directors responsible for the deaths and suffering they will cause

GAP Project International complains about it to North-American Government and its President, Barack Obama, who has African ancestors, as long as it is being allowed that this massacre of great primates happens again.

Dr. Pedro A. Ynterian
President, GAP Project International