North-American Government is being prosecuted
posted in 06 Apr 2010


On April 6, a joint of North-American and English organizations (MAP Coalition) that defend the end of the use of cruel methods to test products in animals ordered a judicial demand at federal level against FDA (Federal Drug Administration), affirming that it does not assume the good practices since 2007.

These organizations wish that the Government follow the European rules, which have been defending, in the last two decades, the use of new tests methods for medical products and medicines that do not use animals. FDA has been omitting the efforts to reach this improvement and insists on accepting methodologies that use animals. These methodologies results in low reliable tests and have been generating the approval of medicines that later had collateral effects in human beings.

Spoke man of the organizations coalition, geneticist Dr. Jarrod Bailey declared: “A lot of reliable methods are already available and others, which are not tested in animals and can result in more secure and efficient medicines, are being developed. It is urgent that FDA shows its real leadership in the area assuming modern methods to test these products to human use. United States are not advanced as Europe in the ban of these cruel tests with animals and there are better alternatives. The time to take these decisions has already expired.”

Some of the organizations of the coalition are American Fund for Alternatives to Animal Research (AFAAR), British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection (BUAV), In Defense of Animals (IDA) and the New England Anti-Vivisection Society (NEAVS).

GAP Project International joins these organizations, many other and individuals who fight against the use of animals in medical products tests in the world.

Dr. Pedro A Ynterian
President, GAP Project International