North American Government changes classification of chimpanzees
posted in 12 Jun 2013

 Fisheries and Wildlife Service of the United States, which is the official body that takes care of biodiversity in the country, published an article on June 10 proposing to change the classification of chimpanzees to “endangered species.”

This is as a response to a request from three years ago made by a group of environmental organizations, including the Humane Society and NEAVS, to put an end in the classification created artificially by the agency itself, quite possibly at the request of NIH – North American Institute of Health – , which wanted to explore most of the chimpanzees in America, for biomedical experiments, when chimpanzees acquired a North American species status differentiated by the fact of living in that country.

This attitude of Fisheries and Wildlife Service, after years of complaints, attempts to correct the mistake made more than a decade ago. The decision shall be subjected to 60 days of public opinion to be later endorsed.

If the decision is approved, American chimpanzees will be a little more protected than now and will be more difficult for the torturers themselves, supported by NIH, to continue profiting from the exploitation of 1.000 unhappy beings who are still have in its possession.

Dr. Pedro A. Ynterian
President, GAP Project International