No more animal exploitation
posted in 16 Feb 2011

A decade ago we had the displeasure to visit Anderson Institute, in Bastrop, Texas, where several Rhesus monkeys are tortured for the development of remedies to cure human diseases. We went there thinking we would learn about administration and management of great primates, because 75 chimpanzees lived there – some still used in medical experimentation – , but we found an experimentation laboratory like many others in North America and other countries that exploit animals.

Everyone who has a minimum of sensibility in the soul and enter at those terror rooms – where smart beings close to us live in cages for years, with no opportunity to step on the earth or see the sunlight and being poked with needles and scalpels in useless procedures – rebel against the human being, well educated and doctors, and to what they are capable to do.

A world movement is emerging to promote a Global Protest against Animal Exploitation. The date April 25 was chosen as the day for the protests. Apart from chimpanzees, who still fight in USA to be free from medical experimentation while some people wish to take them back to the “horror circus”, millions of other animals, from rats to horses and dogs, are sacrificed very year with the purpose of finding cure for diseases that are mistreating humanity.

There are ways to keep animals away of these cruel experiences. We only need a decision in group to find these ways and stimulate the prohibition of the use of animals in useless and nonsense medical experimentation.

Keep informed by visiting our website and also and, so we can fight together with this campaign, which will save millions of innocent lives.

Dr. Pedro A Ynterian
President, GAP Project International