posted in 19 Feb 2009
Reuters and Associated Press

NOVA YORK – A comic illustration published on Wednesday, 18, in newspaper The New York Post outraged civil rights leaders and politicians – as it reproduced stereotypes of racial discrimination with black people and monkeys. According the critics, the cartoon clearly refers to American president, Barack Obama.

The illustration shows a dead chimpanzee and two police officers, one of them carrying a gun. And the subtitle says "They will have to find someone else to write the next support package".

The illustration refers to chimpanzee Travis, killed by the Police in Connecticut last Monday, after attacking a friend of his owner. Obama, the first black president in USA, signed on Tuesday a plan of economical support of his Government, valued on US$ 787 billions. 

White House spokesman, Robert Gibbs, did not comment the illustration. "I have not seen the cartoon", he told journalists. "But I do not believe it is that important to read the New York Post."

Col Allan, editor in chief of the newspaper – owned by tycoon Rupert Murdoch -, declared in a communication that the illustration was only a clear parody about the violent death of the monkey and the efforts to save the economy.,0.htm


We do not even consider this as racism, but a matter of lack of respect and education of some human beings towards others, and also towards their blood brothers, the chimpanzees, with whom they have an ancestor in common, as it had already been proved.

Thinking about President Barack Obama, we would be even pleased with the comparison, as long as those policemen who shot Travis, who had other ways to control him, demonstrated a primitive nature, even more primitive than the one of the unhappy chimpanzee. Travis had been humanized and was isolated from his equals and he had never the chance to understand this. The result was his tragic death, which, in a way, also shows the insanity of a part of North American society.
Dr. Pedro A. Ynterian

President, GAP Project International