New Habeas Corpus in favor of Jimmy is ordered in Rio de Janeiro state
posted in 20 Jan 2010


Professor Dr. Heron Santana and a group of lawyers and public attorneys, together with the most renowned world scientists of Anthropology, Philosofy and Primatology, ordered, last January 19, in Rio de Janeiro Justice Tribunal (TJRJ), a new Habeas Corpus in favor of chimpanzee Jimmy, who lives isolated for years in a small cage at Niterói zoo.

In the next few days, when the law petition will be evaluated by the members of TJRJ, we will be able to get to know the result of this initiative, whose mission is to free Jimmy of his isolation status and host him at GAP Sanctuary in Sorocaba, São Paulo, where other 50 chimpanzees who were rescued from similar mistreating situation live.

Related news:

December, 17, 2009: Habeas Corpus for a zoo chimpanzee is ordered in Brazil