New decoration in the first enclosure of adult chimpanzees
posted in 14 Nov 2013
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More than 10 years ago, Gilberto, Ditty, Flint, Margarethe, Carolina and Lulu were the first adult chimpanzees received at GAP Sanctuary in Sorocaba, and this place was their first home.

The enclosure have evolved a lot and today are multiples of 1000 square meters, with the most sophisticated indoor and outdoor facilities. Today the family of Gilberto, with 3 children – Luiza (10 years), Pedrinho (5 years) and Cecilia (1 year) – in addition to the original enclosure (shown here refurbished) enjoys two other venues that communicate with this and enables them to walk on an area of ​​more than 6000 meters square, with two air tunnels, from which they have a panoramic view of part of the Sanctuary

Dr. Pedro A. Ynterian
President, GAP Project International


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